Sunday, May 31, 2009

Personal Branding

The more I think, read and talk about this topic, it fascinates me with new ideas...
Blogging (at work, as well as
so.... what is the connect? How this is to help me in my career?
come along..

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thriving in turbulence

In the last few months of my life, I have been a mute spectator of all the happenings around me. I went on a solo journey to visit places of importance in South India including Kanyakumari, Madurai Meenakshi Amma Temple, Trichy etc. This trip gave me time to reflect and ponder over my next move.

I think I have some clarity on what I should be doing next. Thanks to my wife, who is patient with me and allowing my space. There are few things I should have done by the end of this month, including submission of paper for ISPI, writing an article on Virtual Teams (Tools and Techniques) and getting certified as a Coach for basic skills.

I want to invest my time in growing Hyderabad Professional Coaches Association (HPCA) across the twin cities.