Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the power of positive thinking

Countless Authors, Speakers, Trainers, Gurus .. have all said and written about the power of Positive Thinking. The best seller of Norman vincent peale, is a phenomenon that changed many lives around the world.

Jim Toomey, the creator of Sherman's Lagoo puts it like this,



 Reproduced by permission of JP Toomey. See his site at Sherman's Lagoon.

I came across a term Positive Organizational Scholoarship' (shortly 'POS') during my classes at XLRI. Prof Srinivas, introduced us to this area. Since then I am talking to various professionals, OB specialists, browsing internet and trying to learn more about this and how I can apply to my life.

I found an interview of Kim Cameron,  a professor of organizational behavior and HR management at the University of Michigan Business School.

So, What is POS? as defined by Kim Cameron,
" a new movement in organizational studies and organizational development that focuses on that which is positive, flourishing, and life-giving in organizations. It investigates positive deviance, or the ways in which organizations and their members flourish and prosper in extraordinary ways."
Read more on Accentuate the positive - interview with Kim Cameron, editor of Positive Organizational Scholarship – Interview

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