Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Leadership Presence

THE Elements of Leadership: The authors talk about four elements of Leadership Presence. They call this as ‘The PRES Model of Leadership Presence’

P – stands for Being Present, the ability to be completely in the moment, and flexible enough to handle the unexpected.
R – stands for Reaching Out, the ability to build relationships with others through empathy, listening and authentic connection.
E – stands for Expressiveness, the ability to express feelings and emotions appropriately by using all available means – words, voice, body, face – to deliver one congruent message.
S – stands for Self-Knowing, the ability to accept yourself, to be authentic, and to reflect your values in your decisions and actions.

They claim that, Leadership Presence combines power with humility. It’s about where you and those you lead want to go and what all of you want to accomplish and how all of you can benefit from your work together. It’s about relationships and connections between people.

Leadership Presence is about:
- Being Present – not pretentious
- Reaching out – not looking down
- Being Experience – not impressive.
- Being Self-knowing – not self-absorbed.

Each chapter has a simple exercise on these four elements. Enjoy reading and putting them to practice.
You can read an interview with the authors on the same book -

Sunday, January 3, 2010

How engaged are your employees? a simple test


Former U.S. labor secretary Robert B. Reich has devised a smart, simple, (and free) diagnostic tool for measuring the health of an organization.When he talks to employees, he listens carefully for the pronouns they use. Do employees refer to their company as "they" of as "we"?

"They" suggests at least some amount of disengagement, and perhaps even alienation. "We" suggests the opposigs employees feel they're part of something significant and meaningful. If you're a boss, spend a few days listening to the people around you, not only in formal settings like meetings, but in the hallways and
at lunch as well. Are you a "'we" organization or a "tThey" organization? The difference matters. Everybody wants auronomy, masrery and purpose. The thing is, "we" can get it-but "they" can't.

- Daniel Pink, (on his New Book - DRIVE)